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Luke Bailey

The Best Way to Install Navigraph AIRAC Cycle 1503 for FS9 FSX P3D

HACK [FS9 FSX P3D] Navigraph AIRAC Cycle 1503: How to Install and Update Your Flight Simulator

If you are a flight simulator enthusiast, you probably know the importance of having accurate and up-to-date navigation data for your aircraft and addons. However, you may not know how to install and update the Navigraph AIRAC Cycle 1503, which is one of the latest and most comprehensive navdata packages available for FS9, FSX and P3D. In this article, we will show you how to hack your flight simulator with Navigraph AIRAC Cycle 1503 and enjoy a realistic and immersive flying experience.

HACK [FS9 FSX P3D] Navigraph AIRAC Cycle 1503

What is Navigraph AIRAC Cycle 1503?

NAVIGRAPH AIRAC Cycle 1503 is a collection of navigation data files that contains information about airports, runways, navaids, waypoints, airways, procedures and more. It is based on the official Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) and updated every 28 days to reflect the changes in the real world aviation. NAVIGRAPH AIRAC Cycle 1503 covers the period from March 5th to April 1st, 2015.

NAVIGRAPH AIRAC Cycle 1503 is compatible with many popular flight simulator addons, such as PMDG, FSLabs, Zibo Mod, JARDesign and more. It can also be used with flight planning tools like PFPX and SimBrief. By installing NAVIGRAPH AIRAC Cycle 1503, you can ensure that your flight simulator matches the real world navigation data as closely as possible.

How to install NAVIGRAPH AIRAC Cycle 1503?

The easiest way to install NAVIGRAPH AIRAC Cycle 1503 is to use the Navigraph FMS Data Manager program. This is a free software that allows you to download and install the updates for any addons you have (once you tell it which addons you have installed). You can download the Navigraph FMS Data Manager from here:

Once you have downloaded and installed the Navigraph FMS Data Manager, you need to create an account and log in with your credentials. Then, you need to scan your computer for any supported addons and select them from the list. You can also manually add any addons that are not detected automatically. After that, you need to select the latest AIRAC cycle (in this case, 1503) and click on "Update Selected". The program will then download and install the updates for your selected addons.

If you prefer to install NAVIGRAPH AIRAC Cycle 1503 manually, you can also download individual files for each addon from the Navigraph website: You will need to unzip the files and copy them to the appropriate folders of your addons. For example, if you want to update the PMDG 737 NGXu, you need to copy the file "" to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\PMDG\Navdata". You may need to overwrite some existing files in the process.

How to update your flight simulator with NAVIGRAPH AIRAC Cycle 1503?

After installing NAVIGRAPH AIRAC Cycle 1503 for your addons, you may also want to update your flight simulator itself with the latest navdata. This will ensure that your default aircrafts and scenery are also aligned with the real world navigation data. However, NAVIGRAPH does not update the navdata of FS9, FSX or P3D itself. For that, you can use a different program called FSXP3DNavaids Installer.

FSXP3DNavaids Installer is a free software that allows you to update the navaids (VORs, NDBs, ILSs) of FS9, FSX or P3D with the latest data from Navigraph. You can download FSXP3DNavaids Installer from here:

Once you have downloaded and installed FSXP3DNavaids Installer, you need to run it as administrator and select your simulator version (FS9, FSX or P3D). Then, you need to select all regions or specific regions that you want to update and click on "Install". The program will then update your navaids with the latest data from Navigraph.


By following these steps, you can hack your flight simulator with NAVIGRAPH AIRAC Cycle 1503 and enjoy a realistic and immersive flying experience. You can now plan and fly your flights with accurate and up-to-date navigation data for your aircraft and addons. You can also check out other features of Navigraph, such as charts, cloud and simlink. Happy flying! 4e3182286b


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